Alternare A.C.

Con apenas medio gramo de peso, las Mariposas Monarca viajan más de 4 mil kilómetros de Canadá y Estados Unidos a los bosques mexicanos de la región del Estado de México y Michoacán en donde encuentran temperaturas idóneas para subsistir.

En 1986 con el objeto de conservar los bosques de hibernación de la Mariposa se decreta la reserva de la biósfera de la mariposa monarca y se restringe el aprovechamiento de la zona.

La fundación Alternare A.C. trabaja en México, específicamente en la Reserva de la Biósfera de la Mariposa Monarca, con un modelo eficaz, para lograr que campesinos en comunidades rurales afectados por la restricción del aprovechamiento de la zona, puedan salir de situaciones de vulnerabilidad por sí mismas y enfrentarse mejor al futuro.

Las Garrafas se suma a los esfuerzos de está fundación destinando parte los ingresos generados de la venta de nuestro Mezcal Mariposa Monarca permitiendo a Alternare A.C. contar con mas recursos para el cumplimiento de sus objetivos.

A través de sus esfuerzos a lo largo de los años han logrado otorgar seguridad alimentaria a agricultores y comunidades rurales de la zona, el mejoramiento de vivienda, la conservación de bosques y agua, así como el desarrollo de proyectos productivos para conservar y recuperar los bosques de la zona a través de programas de capacitación para agricultores y comunidades rurales que han permitido aprovechar los recursos naturales con una disminución del impacto ecológico beneficiando a mas de 96,000 personas.

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This is why, due to the need of building that awarness in Mexico’s population, Las Garrafas joins forces with FUCAM, an organization that provides healthcare for the deteciton and treatment of breast cancer.

Thoughout the campaign called Octubre Rosa (Pink October), mezcal Serpiente Rosada, part of Las Garrafas’s porfolio, carried a distinctive sticker to promote the cause with their customers, knowing that with their purchase they too, are helping FUCAM. 

For Las Garrafas, Mexican women’s empowerment is extremely important, so much, that mezcal Serpiente Rosada is inspired by them. The premium mezcal brands joins this noble cause to fight against breast cancer.


Annually in Mexico, there are more than 27,000 cases of breast cancer discovered, and at least 7,000 patients die from this illness. The greatest cause of this fatality is the lack of early detection of cancer.



Annually in Mexico, there are more than 27,000 cases of breast cancer discovered, and at least 7,000 patients die from this illness. The greatest cause of this fatality is the lack of early detection of cancer.

This is why, due to the need of building that awarness in Mexico’s population, Las Garrafas joins forces with FUCAM, an organization that provides healthcare for the deteciton and treatment of breast cancer.

Thoughout the campaign called Octubre Rosa (Pink October), mezcal Serpiente Rosada, part of Las Garrafas’s porfolio, carried a distinctive sticker to promote the cause with their customers, knowing that with their purchase they too, are helping FUCAM.

For Las Garrafas, Mexican women’s empowerment is extremely important, so much, that mezcal Serpiente Rosada is inspired by them. The premium mezcal brands joins this noble cause to fight against breast cancer.


Las Garrafas joins forces with Naturalia AC, an association where the staff is dedicated to intensify our willingness and efforts to face the issue of the jaguar’s extinction and other wildlife species.


During November we celebrate the day of the jaguar, and with it being such an emblematic animal for Las Garrafas, they decided to join this cause to bring awareness and raise funds for the purchase these natural areas. During this time, special cards can be found on the case of Mezcal Máscara de Xaguar Naranja, to remind customers that with their purchase they are supporting Naturalia, and invite them to donate at

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